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Tag: sparxsystemEnterpriseArchitect16

Features in Sparx Enterprise ArchitectSparx Systems Enterprise Architect 16

Simplified way to connect with DBMS repositories

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect 16 introduces a New “Native Connection” method to both 32 and 64-bit versions in addition to the existing connection methods that require separate ODBC or OLEDB drivers to be installed.

Enterprise Architect 16 makes the simplest and recommended way to establish connections with existing and new repositories like:

  • Firebird
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server

Native Connection does not require the need for installation of drivers for individual DBMS and DSN definitions.

Enter the details of the database in the Native Connection window and connect Enterprise Architect to it.

    Access: Start Page > Open Project | Server Connection

Start Page > Manage Projects > Connect to Server (on drop-down arrow, Select Native Connection)

Sparx India

How do we connect to the Repositories using Native Connection in Enterprise Architect 16?

  1. Click on the radio button for the type of DBMS you are connecting to.
  2. Give the name of the connection in the description field.
  3. Enter the database details as required.
  4. Click on test to check whether the connection is successful or not.
  5. If the connection is successful, OK button will be enabled. Click on it to connect with the EA repository.

Further Information 

Please contact us or write an email to info@sparxsystems.in to have a live demo about the new EA 16 features and capabilities.  

Sparx Systems Enterprise ArchitectSparx Systems Enterprise Architect 16

Grid Style Diagram in Enterprise Architect 16

  • Enterprise Architect has always allowed modelers to customize the appearance and position of elements in diagrams, and the New Grid Style Diagram option allows you to manage and organize diagrams by sorting diagram elements into cells within a grid.
  • Build a Spreadsheet, Dashboard, and even a home page for your model with the Grid Style diagram.
  • In Enterprise Architect 16, the Grid functionality integrates with a New Scripting API to reference elements by the provided grid position.

Key Points:

  • Holds element in each grid cell
  • Configurable in rows, columns, and cell size
  • Manages medium to a large set of information
  • Row and Column headers refer to the grid position
  • Element position can be referred by grid position
  • Automatically updates and process elements in the grid using Scriptlet.

How to enable Grid Style in Enterprise Architect 16?

In the Diagram Properties tab, select the ‘Enable’ option for Grid Style from the drop-down list under the section ‘Appearance’.

Figure 1 Enable Grid Style

This action turns on the ‘grid-style’ setting and opens the ‘Grid- Style Properties’ dialog, where you can specify settings such as the number of columns and the height and width of cells.

Figure 2 Grid- Style Properties dialog

Figure 3 Grid Style Diagram

Once the Grid-Style is enabled for a diagram, the option ‘Grid’ appears in the context menu which offers a number of commands specific to it. They are:

  • Show Grid Lines
  • Show Grid Headers
  • Edit Grid
  • Compact Grid

Grid style Contect menu in EA 16

Figure 4 Grid Style – Context Menu

Altering the Grid Cells Using Scriptlets

Scriptlet Artifacts can be used to run JavaScript code to access elements in a grid-style diagram and set the appearance of those elements like to set the font and background color, or to alter the text that is displayed.

Each Scriptlet has access to three global objects in addition to the standard automation environment. They are:

  • theDiagram – an automation Diagram interface to the diagram on which the Scriptlet resides
  • theElement – an automation Element interface to the Scriptlet artifact itself
  • theInstance – an automation DiagramObject interface to the Scriptlet artifact itself

Further Information

Please Contact us or write an email to info@sparxsystems.in to talk to our EA Expert to understand more about new interesting capabilities in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect 16.